How Many Does A Sheet Cake Feed. Many brides and grooms are getting these full slabs to provide extra portions for a large number of guests and displaying a small exquisite wedding cake suited to their style. Sheet cakes can be placed.

In other words when cuts are made and pieces are doled out each person spends 39 centsTable of contents1. A full sheet cake has up to 192 servings. A full Sheet Cake Pan is 18 by 24 inches which will usually serve 48 to 96 people.
Professional bakeries literally use a sheet pan for a full sheet cake.
A 12 X18 sheet pan is the standard half sheet for professional bakeriesand cut into 2 x 2 inches serves 54 people. A full sheet cake has up to 48 servings. There are 64 servings of a full sheet cake. There are usually 48 to 96 people served in a full Sheet Cake Pan which is 18 by 24 inches.